What is the zoning ordinance?
Maple Bluff’s current zoning ordinance divides the Village into different zoning districts, and for each zoning district specifies different land uses and activities allowed and setbacks, building design, signage, and other standards required. The Village’s zoning map showing the districts is to the right. The Village currently has another older map that shows minimum building setbacks for each lot.
Why is the Village updating its zoning ordinance?
The update will help preserve the identity of the Maple Bluff community as a small, attractive, pedestrian-friendly lakeside community with a desirable character and sense of place. At the same time, the update will reflect the many changes since the ordinance was last revisited 20 years ago. These include, for example, how people live, work, and recreate and what building materials and signage options are available. Maple Bluff households are increasingly seeking exterior renovations and additions to meet modern needs, which are guided by zoning regulations and processes.
Some standards and processes in the current ordinance may differ from those desired by today’s residents and officials. Relatedly, the current ordinance addresses setbacks, land divisions, comprehensive plan amendments, and other topics in a manner that is sometimes confusing, which can result in different interpretations and disagreements. To better clarify and communicate rules, the updated ordinance will increase definitions, introduce graphics, and utilize objective and measurable standards wherever practical.
How is the Village updating its zoning ordinance?
In March 2023, the Village Board appointed a Zoning Ordinance Update Steering Committee to guide the process and approved the committee’s charge. The Committee was made up mainly of members of the Board, Plan Commission, and other Village committees. The consulting Village Planner is supporting the Committee; he has worked with Maple Bluff since the late 2000s and updated other villages’ zoning ordinances. The process is scheduled to run through early 2025, as laid out in this work program. Following the Committee’s December 2, 2024 recommendation, the updated ordinance will require a recommendation from the Village’s Plan Commission and adoption by the Village Board.
Will Village residents, landowners, and business owners be involved in the process? How and when?
Yes! Community involvement is central to the zoning ordinance update process.
Early in summer 2023, the Village surveyed recent applicants for Building Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, and Plan Commission approvals, and met with those three bodies to discuss update priorities. Later in summer, the Village conducted a broader community survey to learn the vision and values of Maple Bluff residents and property owners. The results of the applicant survey are here, the results of our board and committee discussions and case reviews are here, and the results of the general community survey are here.
Other opportunities for community involvement are described in the project work program, and featured a 2-month comment period in fall 2024. A public heraing will be scheduled for late winter 2025.
Can you share more information about the general community survey results?
We thank everyone who completed the survey. In total, about 30% of Maple Bluff’s adult population responded—a very good response rate. The results are here. In overview:
- Many supported policies that preserved their priority of maintaining Maple Bluff as a small, waterfront community.
- Preservation of private property rights were important to most respondents, but so was maintaining a community interest in compatible land use and historic character.
- Most were interested in objective and measurable zoning standards that were also enforceable.
- Results suggested reasonable levels of support for new or revised policies related to burying overhead utilities, fencing (height, materials, view impacts), stormwater management, and mature tree preservation.
- There was little interest in expanded housing types, vacation rentals, or expanded home businesses in residential areas or on current publicly-owned lands—but more interest in extended family suites and alternative energy in residential areas.
- There was significant interest in owner flexibility for home remodeling projects, with less interest in flexibility for new or expanded structures near the shoreline or resulting in new homes.
What direction is the updated zoning ordinance now taking?
At its 10th meeting in December 2024, the Committee recommended the proposed zoning ordinance update (here) for Village action. An overview (here) describing the organization of the proposed update and key changes from the current ordinance is also available. In January, the Village Plan Commission and Building Board will hold a joint meeting on the draft, and then the formal hearing process prior to action will begin. If you have comments on the draft materials, please email info@villageofmaplebluff.com.
What if I want to provide my input or questions right now?
Great! Feel free to email to Info@villageofmaplebluff.com with your ideas, questions, or concerns related to the zoning ordinance update. We welcome your thoughts!