A Bold Approach to Planning in Weston, WI


MDRoffers Consulting is leading preparation of an innovative Comprehensive Plan for Weston, Wisconsin.  Unlike many Wisconsin communities, Weston is taking a bold, multi-year approach to updating and upgrading its 2000s-era plan within the required 10 year cycle.  The plan—entering its third year of production—contains innovative approaches, chapters, and layout.

We are expanding the standard nine elements, using the Plan as a platform for well-designed economic growth and change.  These include a progressive parks and recreation chapter, a chapter with specific redevelopment opportunities and an implementation strategy for an aging highway corridor, a tourism chapter, and a broadband technology chapter.

The purpose of the broadband technology chapter is to coordinate local government policies, procedures, and infrastructure for broadband internet expansion, because broadband expansion is linked with economic development and quality of life initiatives in Weston.  Based upon this chapter, the Village recently obtained a Broadband Expansion Grant from the Wisconsin Public Service Commission to enable the expansion of broadband cable into a technology park expansion area.

A theme tying all the Plan’s chapters together is a tested theory of “resident attraction” and retention.  For both businesses and residents, satisfaction and retention is key to community health and growth.

Upon its final adoption in 2016, is the Plan will be packaged with a fresh, graphic summary page for each topic—making it an easy read for residents, investors, and officials.


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