We provide a range of urban, rural, intergovernmental, and school district planning and implementation services. We work with our clients to supply the right mix of services and products with a focus on building lasting professional relationships. Our core services are:
Community Development
- comprehensive planning
- economic development planning
- community visioning
- land use, neighborhood, and corridor planning
Growth Management
- regional visioning and planning
- development review and management
- zoning, subdivision, and other land development ordinances
- intergovernmental agreements and plans
- sustainability plans
Community Character Enhancement
- farmland preservation plans
- park and open space plans
- natural hazard mitigation plans
- entryway and wayfinding signage
Planning and Zoning Administration
- creation and management of community planning systems
- staff, official, and citizen planner training and education
- impact fee needs assessments
School District Planning (Click here to read more)
- long-range facility master plans
- housing and enrollment projections
- strategic planning and community engagement
- housing development, demographic, and statistical analysis
- future school sites selection analysis
- attendance area boundaries adjustments